Movie Database Wiki
Continuity: Lord of the Rings
Category: Kingdom
Continent: Middle-Earth
1st appearance: Lord of the Rings, The

Rohan is a fictional kingdom featured in the Lord of the Rings multimedia franchise. It first appeared in the 1978 animated feature-length adaptation, The Lord of the Rings. It also played a major role in Peter Jackson's 2002 film Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers and also appeared in Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King.


Rohan, home of the Rohirim, is one of the Kingdom of Men. It is located in the great vale between the Misty Mountains, situated in the north, and the White Mountains of the southern region of Middle-earth. Rohan was once part of another great kingdom, Gondor. During the War of the Ring, Rohan was led by King Theoden. The wizard Saruman waged war against Rohan and sent an army of Orcs and Uruk-kai in a massive assault against the kingdom. Saruman had a spy named Grima Wormtongue, who infiltrated the king's entourage and insinuated his way into his mind, causing Theoden to behave with grave indifference to the kingdom's plight. Theoden's son, Prince Theodred, was next in the line of succession, but was slain by an Orc during the First Battle of the Fords of Isen. Upon King Theoden's death, his second son, Eomer, inherited the crown and became the eighteenth King of Rohan.

Points of Interest[]

Films that take place in Rohan[]

Characters from Rohan[]

See also[]

The Fellowship of the Ring

The Two Towers

The Return of the King

External Links[]

