Movie Database Wiki
Warren County 002
Category: State
Continent: North America
Country: United States of America
Points of interest: Chicago; Lockport; Haddonfield; Livingston County; Shermer; Warren County

Illinois is a U.S. state located in the continental United States. It is the most populous and demographically diverse Midwestern state and the fifth most populous state in the nation. With Chicago in the northeast, small industrial cities and great agricultural productivity in central and western Illinois, and natural resources like coal, timber, and petroleum in the south, Illinois has a broad economic base. Illinois is an important transportation hub; the Port of Chicago connects the Great Lakes to the Mississippi River via the Illinois River.

Points of Interest[]

Haddonfield is a fictional suburban community located in the state of Illinois. It is the primary setting of the Halloween film franchise and the birth place of serial killer Michael Myers. Haddonfield is located 150 miles from Smith's Grove Sanitarium. Haddonfield is the home of the Strode family, the Doyle family, the Wallace family and the Van der Klok's. During the original reign of terror of Michael Myers, the sheriff of Haddonfield was Leigh Brackett. Haddonfield was re-imagined for the reboot of the franchise helmed by director Rob Zombie.
Livingston County
Livingston County is a county located in the U.S. state of Illinois. It is located in the mid-central region of the state and was founded in 1837. The county is named after American jurist and statesman, Edward Livingston. The county seat of Livingston County is Pontiac. A fictionalized representation of Livingston County is presented in the Halloween horror film series. The town of Haddonfield is located in Livingston County, which has gained itself a rather notorious and gruesome history as the birthplace of deranged serial killer Michael Myers. Although Livingston is not overtly referenced in the franchise, there are small indicators peppered throughout the series that establish it as a setting. Livingston is also seen in the Halloween remake series directed by Rob Zombie. The name can be seen on the side of the coroner's van driven by Alan Hooks and Gary Scott. Several comic book adaptations of the Halloween films also reference Livingston County.
Lockport is a city located in the US state of Illinois. It is located in the northeastern area of the state and it's coordinates are 41° 35′ 19″ N, 88° 2′ 50″ W. Lockport has a total land area of 7.1 square miles (18 km²). The actual city of Lockport is likely the same Lockport featured in the 1998 film Bride of Chucky. The Lockport Guardian was the town's local newspaper. It was founded in 1822 and ran the story about the November 9th, 1988 shooting death of serial killer Charles Lee Ray. Ten years later, Charles' former lover, Tiffany, kept a copy of the Guardian's news article in her trailer.
Warren County
Warren County is a county located in the U.S. state of Illinois. It is bordered to the north by Mercer County, to the south by McDonough County, to the southeast by Fulton County, to the east by Knox County and to the west by Henderson County. The county seat of Warren County is Monmouth. A fictionalized version of Warren County has been used as a setting in the Halloween horror film series. In the original series created by John Carpenter, Warren County is located 150 miles away from the fictional town of Haddonfield. It is the location of the Smith's Grove Sanitarium.

Films that take place in Illinois[]

Residents of Illinois[]

Note: The following is a list of characters known to reside in Illinois. It does not necessarily mean that they were born there.

Character Film/Series
Alan Hooks Halloween remake series
Alex Denver Wicker Park
Alice Martin Halloween film series
Andy Neale Halloween remake series
Angel Myers Halloween remake series
Annie Brackett Halloween film series
Annie Brackett Halloween remake series
Barbara Collier Halloween II (2009)
Becks Halloween II (2009)
Ben Meeker Halloween film series
Bennett Tramer Halloween film series
Big Joe Grizzly Halloween remake series
Bill Murray Zombieland
Bob Simms Halloween film series
Brady Halloween film series
Bruce Cabot Halloween II (2009)
Buddy Halloween II (2009)
Captain Clegg Halloween II (2009)
Charles Lee Ray Bride of Chucky [1]
Chester Chesterfield Halloween remake series
Chett Johns Halloween II (2009) [2]
Claire Standish Breakfast Club, The
Cynthia Strode Halloween remake series
Damien Baylock Bride of Chucky
Daniel Ristelli Wicker Park
Darlene Carruthers Halloween film series
David Madison Alligator
David Plummens Bride of Chucky
Deborah Myers Halloween remake series
Derek Allen Halloween (2007)
Donald Myers Halloween film series
E.W. Hoffman Halloween film series
Floyd Halloween II (2009)
Fred King Halloween II (2009)
Frederick Mixter Halloween II (1981)
Gary Hunt Halloween II (1981)
Gary Scott Halloween II (2009)
Gus Lambert 30 Days of Night
Gwynne, Deputy Halloween II (2009)
Harley David Halloween II (2009)
Holly West Halloween II (2009)
Howard Boggs Halloween II (2009)
Ismael Cruz Halloween (2007)
J. Black Halloween film series
Jade Bride of Chucky
Jamie Lloyd Halloween film series
Jane Salvador Halloween II (2009)
Janet Halloween II (2009)
Janet Marshall Halloween film series
Jazlean Benny Halloween II (2009)
Jesse Bride of Chucky
Jill Franco Halloween II (1981)
Jim Chambers Halloween remake series
Jones Halloween film series
Judith Myers Halloween film series
Judith Myers Halloween remake series
Karen Baley Halloween film series
Kelly Meeker Halloween film series
Kyle van der Klok Halloween remake series
L. Evans Halloween film series
Larry Redgrave Halloween remake series
Laurie Strode Halloween film series
Lee Brackett Halloween remake series
Leigh Brackett Halloween film series
Lindsey Wallace Halloween film series
Lindsey Wallace Halloween remake series
Lisa Parish Wicker Park
Lonnie Elamb Halloween film series
Lori Peterson House Next Door, The (2002)
Lou Martini Halloween remake series
Luke Stanford Wicker Park
Lynda van der Klok Halloween film series
Lynda van der Klok Halloween remake series
Maple, Doctor Halloween remake series
Marion Chambers Halloween film series
Mark Halloween II (2009)
Marisa Kendall Alligator
Mason Strode Halloween remake series
Matt Simon Wicker Park
Michael Myers Halloween film series
Michael Myers Halloween remake series
Misty Dawn Halloween remake series
Morgan Strode Halloween film series
Mya Rockwell Halloween remake series
Nancy McDonald Halloween remake series
Needlenose Norton Bride of Chucky
Noel Kluggs Halloween remake series
Nurse Wynn Halloween remake series
Octavia Spencer Halloween remake series
Pamela Strode Halloween II (1981)
Patty Frost Halloween (2007)
Paul Freedman Halloween film series
R. Chandra 2010: The Year We Make Contact
Rebecca Martin Wicker Park
Rachel Carruthers Halloween film series
Richard Carruthers Halloween film series
Robert Bailey Bride of Chucky
Ronnie White Halloween (2007)
Sam Loomis Halloween film series
Sam Loomis Halloween remake series
Seymour Coffins Halloween (2007)
Sherman Benny Halloween II (2009)
Stan Payne Halloween (2007)
Stephen Lloyd Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers
Steve Haley Halloween (2007)
Taylor Madison Halloween (2007)
Terence Wynn Halloween film series
Tiffany Ray Bride of Chucky
Tommy Doyle Halloween film series
Tommy Doyle Halloween remake series
Uncle Meat Halloween II (2009)
Virginia Alves Halloween film series
Wade Halloween film series
Walter Smith Wicker Park
Warren Kincaid Bride of Chucky
Webb, Deputy Halloween II (2009)
Wendy Snow Halloween II (2009)
Wesley Rhoades Halloween remake series
Wolfie Halloween remake series
Zach Garrett Halloween remake series

External Links[]


  1. Originally from Hackensack, New Jersey
  2. It is unclear whether Chett hails from the state of Illinois, or if he just visited it for Doctor Loomis' book signing.