Movie Database Wiki

Includes a list of characters featured in Halloween II (2009) listed alphabetically by first name.
Halloween II (2009) 002

Halloween II is a 2009 horror film directed by Rob Zombie. It is the sequel to Zombie's 2007 Halloween, which in itself, is a remake of the original 1978 film directed by John Carpenter. Halloween II is a remake of the 1981 sequel Halloween II directed by Rick Rosenthal. With this film, Zombie reunites several cast members from the first movie including Scout Taylor-Compton as Laurie Strode, Malcolm McDowell as Doctor Sam Loomis and Tyler Mane as the relentless Michael Myers.

For Halloween II, Zombie decided to focus more on the connection between Laurie and Michael, and the idea they share similar psychological problems. Zombie wanted the sequel to be more realistic and violent than its 2007 predecessor. For the characters of Halloween II, it is about change. Zombie wanted to look at how the events of the first film affected the characters. Zombie also wanted to show the connection between Laurie and Michael, and provide a glimpse into each character's psyche.

Alan Hooks[]

Alan Hooks
Alan Hooks
Notability: Minor character
Type: Coroner
Gender: Male
Status: Dead
Actor: Dayton Callie

Coroner Hooks worked for the Warren County coroner's office. In 2007, his team and he were called in to collect the body of the allegedly deceased Michael Myers who had recently suffered a gunshot wound to the face. Hooks commented about how it took six men to lift Myers' body into the ambulance. Along the way, his co-worker Gary Scott made lewd suggestions about having intercourse with a naked corpse. As the two men joked, Coroner Hooks hit a cow that had been crossing the street. The vehicle crashed and Hooks was killed instantly. Gary Scott died moments later.

Andy Neale[]

Andy Neale
Andy Neale
Notability: Supporting character
Type: Deputy
Gender: Male
Status: Dead
Actor: Greg Travis

Andy Neale was a deputy for the Haddonfield Sheriff's Department. He answered directly to Sheriff Lee Brackett. Due to the vicious attack against his daughter Annie by Michael Myers on Halloween, 2007, Sheriff Brackett always grew paranoid around Halloween time. On October 31st of 2008, he sent Deputy Neale to his house at 15 Cherrywood Road to keep an eye on his daughter. Annie, being an independent woman who scorns the need for protection, repaid Neale's hospitality by kicking him in the crotch.

In 2009, Neale was once again asked to keep a watch over Brackett's house. Annie wouldn't let him inside and Neale tried to use his position as an officer of the law to intimidate her, but Annie was unphased. She made him stay outside and patrol the house with a flashlight. Sheriff Brackett's fears turned out to be justified, as that same evening, Michael Myers appeared and killed Deputy Neale by strangling him to death. He left his body in the driver seat of his cruiser.

Annie Brackett[]

Annie Brackett - Halloween II (2009)
Annie Brackett
Notability: Supporting character
Gender: Female
Status: Dead
Died: 31 octuber 2009
First: halloween (2007)
Final: halloween 2 (2009)
Actor: Danielle Harris
Voice actor: Danielle Harris

Annie was taken to Haddonfield General Hospital and eventually healed from the attack. The brutality of Michael Myers left lasting scars however, both physically and emotionally. With time and therapy, Annie was able to make a full recovery.

Laurie Strode however, suffered an even greater loss. In addition to being brutalized by Michael Myers, Laurie also had to come to terms with the fact that Myers had murdered both of her (adoptive) parents. As such, Laurie later came to live with the Bracketts at their home on 15 Cherrywood Road.

Having shared such similar tragedies, Annie and Laurie grew very close to one another, but over the span of the next two years, their friendship grew into one of intense hardship. Laurie blamed herself for what happened to Annie and the guilt she felt every time she had to look at the scars on Annie's face only served as a vehicle for the gnawing rage growing within her.

By 2009, their friendship continued to erode as Laurie's psychosis only drove her deeper into a life of alcohol and self-hatred. During one particular episode, Laurie exploded at Annie who in turn voiced her dislike of the "New Laurie".

By the time Halloween rolled around, Sheriff Brackett assigned a deputy named Andy Neale to maintain a post at his house to keep an eye on Annie. Neale hated being charged with such a task and complained that the last time he had been assigned to look after Annie, she had kicked him in the groin.

Annie wouldn't let Neale inside the house and told him to turn off the lights on his squad car. Neale tried to play the tough guy, but knew that he could never win an argument with "the boss's daughter".

As it happened, Michael Myers had resumed his search for Laurie Strode and was cutting his way through anyone who had the misfortune of crossing him. He strangled Deputy Neale and broke into the Brackett house to kill Annie. He cornered her in the upstairs bathroom and brutalized her, smashing her repeatedly into the walls. He left her battered body bleeding on the floor and left. Moments later, Laurie returned home with her friend Mya Rockwell. They discovered Annie on the floor and Laurie had Mya call 911. Laurie sobbed, cradling Annie in her arms until she finally died.

Barbara Collier[]

Barbara Collier
Barbara Collier
Notability: Supporting character
Type: Psychiatrist
Gender: Female
Status: Alive
Actor: Margot Kidder

Barbara Collier was a psychiatrist working out of Haddonfield, Illinois. Her most troubled patient was Laurie Strode, who still exhibited great fear and anxiety two years after narrowly surviving being butchered by her psychotic older brother Michael Myers.

The autumn season was particularly tough on Laurie and Collier reminded her that Halloween time was always a trigger for her nightmares. Even though they both agreed that Michael Myers was now dead, Collier told Laurie that he still lived on in her mind and in her emotions. Laurie asked Barbara about a Rorschach print she had hanging on the wall of her office. Collier explained that the images in the print prompted ambiguous stimuli in the brain to form a picture. Laurie saw the image of two white horses.


Notability: Minor character
Gender: Male
Status: Dead
Actor: Sean Whalen

Becks was driving along Eagle Road when he saw a young woman named Laurie Strode injured and in need of help. Becks stopped and got out of his car to check up on her and offered to take her to the hospital. He placed Laurie inside his car, but Michael Myers appeared and smashed Becks through the glass window of the vehicle, killing him.

Bishop Trick[]

Halloween dream
Bishop Trick
Actor: Jake McKinnon

Bishop Trick was a bizarre phantasm represented only as a figure from a dream, and was not an actual individual. Laurie Strode had a nightmare in which she perceived an aspect of the inner psyche of Michael Myers. In this dream, young Michael, still a child, escorted his dead mother Deborah down a corridor into a dining hall where several macabre figure sat at a table adorned in regal attire with faces of nightmarish countenance. Upon the table laid the body of Michael's sister, Angel Myers (Laurie Strode). As the figures at the table sat chittering amongst one another, Michael pointed to Angel and said, "I found her. I found Boo", and asked, "Can we be a family again?" His mother's spectral spirit replied, "Not yet, Michael. Not yet. The figures at the table continued engaging in their dark festivities without acknowledging the presence of Michael, his mother or the tormented woman before them on the table.

The counterpart to Bishop Trick is Lord Treat.

Bruce Cabot[]

Bruce Cabot
Bruce Cabot
Notability: Minor character
Type: Reporter
Gender: Male
Status: Alive
Actor: Adam Boyer

Bruce Cabot was a reporter who attended a press conference focusing on noted psychiatrist Doctor Samuel Loomis who was promoting his second biography on notorious serial killer Michael Myers entitled The Devil Walks Among Us. Like many of the other reporters present, Bruce asked some pointedly uncomfortable questions; questions that did not exactly paint Loomis in a positive light.


Buddy (Halloween II)
Notability: Dream
Type: Security guard
Gender: Male
Status: Dead
Actor: Richard Riehle

Buddy appeared as part of a dream that Laurie Strode had two years after her initial encounter with her psychotic older brother Michael Myers. In the dream, Buddy was a security guard at Haddonfield Memorial Hospital and worked out of a booth located outside. Laurie Strode sought protection from Buddy and he found her in a fit of hysterics inside his booth. Buddy tried to calm her down and even gave her some of his coffee. He told her that he was going to step outside to get his car and that he would be right back. As he returned however, Michael Myers appeared behind him and stabbed Buddy to death.

Captain Clegg[]

Captain Clegg
Captain Clegg
Notability: Minor character
Type: Musician
Gender: Male
Status: Alive
Actor: Jesse Dayton

Captain Clegg was a singer, musician and leader of the rock and roll band Captain Clegg and the Night Creatures. Clegg's band performed at the Phantom Jam in Haddonfield on October 31st, 2009. Some of the guests in attendance at the show include Laurie Strode, Mya Rockwell and Harley David.

Chett Johns[]

Chett Johns
Chett Johns
Notability: Minor character
Gender: Male
Status: Alive
Actor: Silas Weir Mitchell

Chett Johns was a true-crime enthusiast and an avid reader of noted psychiatrist Doctor Samuel Loomis. Loomis had written the two definitive yet unauthorized biographies of notorious serial killer Michael Myers titled The Devil's Eyes and The Devil Walks Among Us. On October 31st, 2009 Loomis was the special guest at a book signing in Haddonfield, Illinois to promote the release of The Devil Walks Among Us. Chett was one of the first people in line and was very excited to meet his idol. Introducing himself as "The Bringer of Death", he complimented Loomis on his work, but his hero worship appeared to be directed more at Michael Myers than at Loomis himself. After signing Chett's copy of The Devil Walks Among Us, Loomis commented, "The freaks will always find their way home".

David Newman[]

David Newman
David Newman
Notability: Minor character
Gender: Male
Status: Alive
Actor: Chris Hardwick

David Newman was the host of a television variety show called The Newman Hour. On one episode, his special guests included parody musician "Weird" Al Yankovic and noted psychiatrist Doctor Samuel Loomis. Loomis appeared on the show to promote his new book The Devil Walks Among Us, the second of two unauthorized biographies on famed serial murderer Michael Myers. Loomis took his work very seriously and was not prepared for the light-hearted ribbing that he received from both Newman and "Weird" Al. David posited the uncomfortable question to Loomis on whether or not he felt as if he were profiteering off the misery of others.

Deborah Myers[]

Deborah Myers - Halloween II (2009)
Deborah Myers
Notability: Supporting character
Type: Dream
Gender: Female
Status: Dead
Actor: Sheri Moon Zombie

Deborah Myers was the mother of Judith, Michael Myers and Laurie Strode. She lived in a house in Haddonfield, Illinois with her boyfriend Ronnie White. Deborah earned money as an exotic dancer working at the Rabbit in Red Lounge. Deborah had an unhealthy relationship with Ronnie, who constantly yelled at her and threatened to beat her up. On the morning of October 31st, Deborah prepared breakfast for her family, but this only led to another classic argument between Ronnie and her. Judith didn't wish to stay for breakfast, Michael wouldn't remove his Halloween mask while at the breakfast table and baby "Boo" kept crying. Ronnie had an outburst and threw all of the breakfast plates onto the floor.

Later that day, Deborah received a telephone call at work from Principal Jim Chambers of Haddonfield Elementary School. Irritated that she had to leave work, she went to the school where Chambers indicated that Michael had been involved in a fight. Further, he showed her a dead cat that Michael had shoved into his school bag as well as a stack of photographs of dead animals in various states of mutilation. Chambers called in child psychologist Doctor Sam Loomis to have a private consultation with Deborah. Although Loomis tried to tell her that the business with the animals was an early warning sign of deeper problems, Deborah refused to entertain the notion that anything was wrong with her son.

Later that evening, Deborah found out just how correct Loomis actually was. Returning from work, she found Michael sitting on the sidewalk outside their home holding his baby sister in his arms. The baby was fine, but there was blood smeared all over his hands and his Halloween costume. Deborah discovered moments later that Michael had slaughtered Judith, Ronnie White and Judith's boyfriend Steve Haley. The child was arrested and remanded to the care of Smith's Grove Sanitarium.

Deborah visited Michael once a week. Michael became more and more withdrawn and retreated behind the masks that he would design for himself while incarcerated. As months passed, Deborah tried her best to reach him, but eventually, even she began to feel that there was no hope for Michael. On one visit, she gave him an old photograph of himself and "Boo", suggesting that he might want to hang it up in his room. After the visit, Doctor Loomis walked Deborah out to her car, leaving Michael in the care of a woman named Nurse Wynn. Something inside Michael snapped and he picked up a fork and stabbed Nurse Wynn to death. Loomis and Deborah ran back into the room and Deborah finally saw Michael for what he truly was -- a psychopath. Deborah was devastated. Everything that she had ever cared for was either gone or irrevocably destroyed. Unable to deal with the depression any longer, Deborah Myers took her own life with a handgun.

Earl of Pumpkin[]

Earl of Pumpkin
Earl of Pumpkin
Actor: Brian Rae

The Earl of Pumpkin was a bizarre phantasm represented only as a figure from a dream, and was not an actual individual. Laurie Strode had a nightmare in which she perceived an aspect of the inner psyche of Michael Myers. In this dream, young Michael, still a child, escorted his dead mother Deborah down a corridor into a dining hall where several macabre figure sat at a table adorned in regal attire with faces of nightmarish countenance. Upon the table laid the body of Michael's sister, Angel Myers (Laurie Strode). As the figures at the table sat chittering amongst one another, Michael pointed to Angel and said, "I found her. I found Boo", and asked, "Can we be a family again?" His mother's spectral spirit replied, "Not yet, Michael. Not yet. The figures at the table continued engaging in their dark festivities without acknowledging the presence of Michael, his mother or the tormented woman before them on the table.


Floyd - Halloween II (2009)
Notability: Minor character
Type: Victim
Gender: Male
Status: Dead
Actor: Mark Boone Junior

Floyd was an older man characterized by his stocky build, wild hair, large beard and gruff demeanor. He was the father of Jazlean Benny, who was married to a man named Sherman Benny. The family owned a piece of farmland in the rural neighborhoods of Haddonfield, Illinois. On more than one occasion, Floyd and his family had to run trespassers off their property. One such vagrant happened to be the fugitive serial killer Michael Myers.

On October 29th, 2009, Floyd,Sherman, and Jazlean found Michael outside an old cabin in one of their fields. Floyd and Sherman was tired of Michael's constant presence and tried to drive him off by beating him down with tire irons and baseball bats, then they returned to the truck. After suffering numerous blows from the two men, Michael rose and took action. He slashed Sherman's eye first, Floyd got out of his truck and tried to kill Michael, but was fatally stabbed in the stomach by him with his large hunting knife. Michael then grabbed him and slammed Floyd's body on deer antlers mounted on the truck and impaled him in the mid-stomach area, killing him instantly.

Fred King[]

Fred King
Fred King
Notability: Minor character
Type: Deputy
Gender: Male
Status: Alive
Actor: Mark Christopher Lawrence

Fred King was a deputy for the Haddonfield police department. He responded to a 911 call that brought him to the home of his boss, Sheriff Lee Brackett. King, as well as the other attending officers, were horrified to discover that Brackett's daughter Annie had been brutally murdered by Michael Myers.

When Brackett arrived on the scene, Fred tried to keep him outside of the house, hoping to spare him from seeing the grisliness of the murder. Fred was later part of a detachment that contained Myers inside a cabin off Eagle Road. Armed with a rifle, King was one of several men to bring Myers down in a hail of gunfire.

Gary Scott[]

Gary Scott
Gary Scott
Notability: Minor character
Type: Coroner
Gender: Male
Status: Dead
Actor: Richard Brake

Gary Scott was an assistant coroner from Haddonfield, Illinois and the partner of Coroner Hooks. In 2007, they were called in to recover the body of the allegedly deceased serial killer Michael Myers. During the car ride back to County, Scott entertained his co-worker by telling him lewd stories about what it would be like to have intercourse with a corpse. After making such an allusion about Annie Brackett, daughter of Haddonfield's sheriff Leigh Brackett, Scott was warned that such talk would quickly find him unemployed. As the two men chatted, Hooks became distracted and struck a cow that was crossing the road. Hooks was killed immediately and Scott suffered severe injuries. The impact awakened Michael Myers, who emerged from the back of the ambulance and decapitated Gary Scott with a broken shard of glass.


Deputy Gwynne
Deputy Gwynne
Notability: Minor character
Type: Deputy
Gender: Female
Status: Alive
Actor: Renae Geerlings

Deputy Gwynne was a deputy for the Sheriff's department in Haddonfield, Illinois. She fielded a 911 call that originated from 15 Cherrywood Road - the home address of her boss, Sheriff Lee Brackett. The call was placed by a young woman named Mya Rockwell in reference to the murder of the sheriff's daughter Annie Brackett.

Harley David[]

Harley David 001
Harley David
Franchise: Halloween
Notability: Main character
Type: Friend
Gender: Female
Status: Alive
Born: 1971
Died: None
First: Halloween 2 (2009)
Final: Halloween 2 (2009)
Actor: Angela Trimbur
Voice actor: Angela Trimbur

Harley David was a veritable "bad girl" with multiple tattoos, a tough-as-nails attitude and an aggressive sexuality. She worked at Uncle Meat's Java Hole along with her friends Laurie Strode and Mya Rockwell. For Halloween, Harley suggested that they should all attend the Phantom Jam costume party. Their plans were nearly cancelled when Laurie learned the disturbing truth about her family heritage: that she was in fact, the sister of famed serial murderer Michael Myers. In light of this, Harley reluctantly agreed that they should not go to the party, but Laurie insisted on keeping their plans, citing that she needed something to take her mind off this recent revelation.

Harley went to the party dressed as Doctor Frank-N-Furter from the monster musical The Rocky Horror Picture Show. As the evening wore on, she left the party with a young man dressed as a werewolf named "Wolfie". The two went out to Wolfie's van to have sex and Harley made several lewd suggestions to get Wolfie in the mood. Wolfie stepped outside to relieve himself, at which point, he was promptly murdered by Michael Myers. Myers then broke the windows of the van, reaching inside and strangling Harley until she lie unconscious. rumors says that she will return in halloween 3

Holly West[]

Holly West
Holly West
Notability: Minor character
Type: Reporter
Gender: Female
Status: Alive
Actor: Catherine Dyer

Holly West is a fictional news reporter and a minor character featured in the Halloween film series. She is part of the continuity of the remake series and was played by actress Catherine Dyer. She appeared in the 2009 film Halloween II by director Rob Zombie. Holly West was a television news reporter for Channel 18 in Haddonfield, Illinois. On October 30th, 2009, she had an interview with local business owner Lou Martini who was dressed up as the Frankenstein Monster and promoting his exotic dance club, the Rabbit in Red Lounge.

Howard Boggs[]

Howard Boggs
Howard Boggs
Notability: Minor character
Type: Bouncer
Gender: Male
Status: Dead
Actor: Jeffrey Daniel Phillips

Howard Boggs was a bouncer at the Rabbit in Red Lounge. Driven by machismo and a bad attitude, Howard did not get along with his boss "Big" Lou Martini. One evening, Howard made some disparaging remarks to Big Lou and one of his strippers, Misty Dawn. They dismissed his remarks, telling him to go take out the trash. Frazzled, Howard remarked under his breath "Enjoy the Herpes" and went outside.

After disposing of the refuse, he ran into serial murderer Michael Myers. Howard called him a hippie and warned him to quit rooting through the garbage, but Myers refused to leave. Howard warned him a second time to leave and in return, Michael picked him up and slammed him hard upon the ground. He then stomped Howard's face in with his heavy boot, killing him. Michael brought the corpse into the lounge and hung Howard's body from a string of holiday lights.

Jane Salvador[]

Jane Salvador
Jane Salvador
Notability: Minor character
Type: Reporter
Gender: Female
Status: Alive
Actor: Diane Ayala Goldner

Jane Salvador is a fictional reporter and a minor character featured in the Halloween film franchise. She is part of the reboot continuity envisioned by director Rob Zombie and appeared in the 2009 remake of Halloween II. She was played by actress Diane Ayala Goldner.

Jane Salvdor was a reporter who attended a press conference focusing on noted psychiatrist Doctor Samuel Loomis who was promoting his second biography on notorious serial killer Michael Myers entitled The Devil Walks Among Us. Like many of the other reporters present, Jane asked some pointedly uncomfortable questions; questions that did not exactly paint Loomis in a positive light.


Janet - Halloween II (2009)
Notability: Minor character
Gender: Female
Status: Alive
Actor: Graham Marema

Janet is a fictional child and a minor character featured in the Halloween film series. She is part of the continuity of the remake series and was played by actress Graham Marema. She appeared in the 2009 film Halloween II by director Rob Zombie. Janet was a young girl who dressed up as cat for Halloween. She was trick or treating with her little brother, Mark, and a friend. She had to keep watch over him but lost him for a moment as he ran off while the girls were getting candy. When she found him, he was standing in front of a very tall man. She quickly grabbed her brother and told him not to talk with strangers.

Jazlean Benny[]

Jazlean Benny
Jazlean Benny
Notability: Minor character
Type: Victim
Gender: Female
Status: Dead
Actor: Betsy Rue

Jazlean Benny was a young woman living in Haddonfield, Illinois. She was the daughter of a man named Floyd and the wife of Sherman Benny. Jazlean, Sherman and Floyd ran into some trouble in 2009 when a vagrant began trespassing on their farmland, squatting inside one of their barns. They had run him off more than once, but after one such incident, the family decided that they had had enough. They found the vagrant outside the barn and Floyd and Sherman began beating them up. Jazlean was sickened by this and tried to stop them, but they persisted until they were satisfied that the man would not cause them any more trouble. What they had yet to realize was that the vagrant was actually wanted murderer Michael Myers. Myers fought back against the Bennys', brutally murdering them. Jazlean pleaded for her life, but nothing could stop Myers' rampage. He dragged her out of the family truck and stabbed her to death in the field.

King Jack[]

King Jack
King Jack
Actor: Michael Deak

King Jack was a bizarre phantasm represented only as a figure from a dream, and was not an actual individual. Laurie Strode had a nightmare in which she perceived an aspect of the inner psyche of Michael Myers. In this dream, young Michael, still a child, escorted his dead mother Deborah down a corridor into a dining hall where several macabre figure sat at a table adorned in regal attire with faces of nightmarish countenance. Upon the table laid the body of Michael's sister, Angel Myers (Laurie Strode). As the figures at the table sat chittering amongst one another, Michael pointed to Angel and said, "I found her. I found Boo", and asked, "Can we be a family again?" His mother's spectral spirit replied, "Not yet, Michael. Not yet. The figures at the table continued engaging in their dark festivities without acknowledging the presence of Michael, his mother or the tormented woman before them on the table.

Kyle van der Klok[]

Kyle Van Der Klok
Kyle van der Klok
Notability: Minor character
Gender: Male
Status: Alive
Actor: Robert Curtis Brown

Kyle van der Klok was the father of Lynda Van Der Klok. In 2009, two years after his daughter was brutally murdered by Michael Myers, Kyle went to a book store where Myers' former psychiatrist Doctor Sam Loomis was signing autographs of his new book. Angrily, he shoved a photograph of Lynda in Loomis' face, blaming him for his daughter's death. Loomis attempted to sympathize with the distraught man, but the incident quickly turned into a row as Kyle pulled a gun on Loomis with the intent of killing him. Security guards quickly apprehended and disarmed Kyle, pulling the man out of the store.

Laurie Strode[]

Angel Myers
Angel Myers
Notability: Main character
Gender: Female
Status: unknown
Actor: Scout Taylor-Compton

Laurie Strode, real name revealed to be Angel Myers, was immediately taken to Haddonfield General Hospital to recuperate. In time, Laurie healed from her injuries, suffering only minimal scarring on her face. The emotional trauma however, was not so easy to heal from. The revelation that her parents had been murdered sent her into a psychological tailspin that only grew as the months passed. Sheriff Brackett invited Laurie to stay with him and his daughter who, likewise survived her encounter with Michael Myers.

Over the next two years, Laurie began seeing a psychiatrist named Doctor Barbara Collier. Collier prescribed Laurie medication, but the young woman's psychological makeup continued to degrade. She found herself prone to fits of rage and she suffered from intense nightmares. In one such nightmare, Laurie saw herself being pursued by Michael Myers on the night she had been admitted to the hospital.

She began working at a coffee-shop/vintage record store known as Uncle Meat's Java Hole where she befriended two of her co-workers named Mya Rockwell and Harley David. It was easier for her to hang out with Mya and Harley than it was with Annie, for every time she saw Annie's facial scars, she became overwhelmed with guilt over what had happened. By 2009, Laurie's panic attacks grew even worse. She began experiencing waking nightmares that she could not explain. In one of these tormented fantasies, Laurie saw herself dressed up in a Halloween clown costume and murdering Annie. What she didn't realize at the time is that what she was experiencing were actually psychic impressions from the memories of Michael Myers. Laurie began seeing images of young Michael Myers as well as her birth mother Deborah Myers.

On Halloween night, Laurie's world came crashing down. She discovered that Doctor Sam Loomis had written a second book about Michael Myers, this one detailing the events of the massacre from two years prior. Laurie read the book and learned the truth about her family lineage. Her real name was Angel Myers and she was Michael's little sister.

Distraught, she sought solace in her friends Mya and Harley. She couldn't bear the idea of being Michael's sister and wanted only to drown herself in alcohol and partying. The three of them went to the "Phantom Jam" rave in town and Laurie dressed up as Magenta from the monster musical The Rocky Horror Picture Show. She became heavily intoxicated at the party and began seeing images of Deborah and young Michael trailing after her. After some time had passed, Mya decided to walk Laurie home.

When they arrived back at the Brackett house, Laurie was horrified to discover that not only was Michael Myers still alive, but he had murdered Annie Brackett. Laurie cradled Annie in her arms while Mya called 911. Michael burst into the room and attacked Laurie who fled from the house and ran out onto the highway.

A passing motorist found Laurie scrambling across the road and offered to take her to the hospital. Myers caught up with them and murdered the young driver. Capturing Laurie, he brought her back to his private cabin in a field off Eagle Road. Laurie came to and saw Michael as well as the images of Deborah and young Michael standing before her. Deborah Myers spoke to Laurie, forcing her to repeat the words "I love you, Mommy" over and over again. Laurie tried to escape but the impression of young Michael held her fast to the chair she was sitting in.

Moments later, police squad cars and helicopters surrounded the house. Doctor Sam Loomis entered the cabin for a final confrontation with Michael. The two fought each other and Michael stabbed Loomis in the stomach outside the cabin. Afterward, the Sheriff's deputies opened fire on him, apparently killing him. Laurie exited the cabin moments later. In a state of shock, she picked up Michael's hunting knife and hovered over Loomis' prone body as if she were going to kill him. The officers opened fire once again and Laurie Strode died in a hail of gunfire. Her final thoughts were that of a brightly lit room with Deborah Myers slowly approaching her, a large white horse walking by her side.

Lee Brackett[]

Lee Brackett 002
Lee Brackett
Notability: Supporting character
Type: Sheriff
Gender: Male
Status: Alive
Actor: Brad Dourif

Sheriff Brackett grew into a more paranoid paternal figure following the 2007 murder spree of Michael Myers. As Myers had also murdered Laurie's adoptive parents, Lee invited her into his home to stay with them. He never revealed what he knew of Laurie's true family lineage and always feared that the day might come when she would learn the truth. In light of the trauma shared between both young women, Lee attempted to play the role of the "cool father figure". As such, Annie and Laurie were free to come and go as they pleased, and there were few restrictions put upon them in terms of manners and lifestyle.

In October of 2009, Sheriff Brackett's worse fears came to pass. It started with the publication of The Devil Walks Among Us, the unauthorized biography of Michael Myers written by Doctor Sam Loomis. Brackett learned that Loomis revealed the true nature of Laurie's relationship to Michael and that she was his sister. Fearful of how Laurie might react should she read the book, he attempted to catch up with her, but was too late. Laurie read Loomis' book and knew that Lee knew about her origins the entire time.

Naturally, Halloween night always made Sheriff Brackett ill at ease. He assigned Deputy Andy Neale to keep a watch over his house while his daughter was at home. Unfortunately, Neale could not prevent the single greatest tragedy in Sheriff Brackett's life from coming to pass. That evening, Michael Myers broke into his home and finished what he began two years ago. He viciously murdered Annie Brackett, leaving her bloodied body lying on the floor of an upstairs bathroom.

Brackett was at the police station when the 911 call came through. Deputy Gwynne told him that the call originated from his house and he raced over there to see what had happened; Deputy Fred King tried to prevent Lee from entering the room, but he pushed his way past and collapses after seeing his daughter lying dead on the floor. Sheriff Brackett went into a state of shock and silent rage.

Soon after, he received word that Michael Myers was spotted in a cabin off Eagle Road. Brackett mobilized a helicopter unit and every squad car he had access to and had them converge on the scene. His men surrounded the cabin with rifles at the ready. Doctor Loomis arrived and Sam still blamed him for his failure with Myers. He punched Loomis in the face and in his grief and anger, pulled his gun on him. He hissed at Loomis, confessing how much he wanted to shoot him, but was luckily restrained.

Loomis went into the cabin to confront Michael and they exited the building moments later grappling one another. Michael stabbed Loomis and as he fell, Brackett ordered his men to open fire. Myers took multiple shots to the chest and fell to the ground. Laurie Strode, who had been Michael's prisoner inside the cabin, exited and picked up Michael's knife. She hovered over Loomis' body as if she were going to stab him when the officers opened fire again. Brackett called the order to cease fire, but it was too late. Laurie Strode died in a hail of gunfire. In the span of a single evening, Brackett lost two daughters.

Lord Treat[]

Halloween dream
Lord Treat
Actor: Mike Kasiske

Lord Treat was a bizarre phantasm represented only as a figure from a dream, and was not an actual individual. Laurie Strode had a nightmare in which she perceived an aspect of the inner psyche of Michael Myers. In this dream, young Michael, still a child, escorted his dead mother Deborah down a corridor into a dining hall where several macabre figure sat at a table adorned in regal attire with faces of nightmarish countenance. Upon the table laid the body of Michael's sister, Angel Myers (Laurie Strode). As the figures at the table sat chittering amongst one another, Michael pointed to Angel and said, "I found her. I found Boo", and asked, "Can we be a family again?" His mother's spectral spirit replied, "Not yet, Michael. Not yet. The figures at the table continued engaging in their dark festivities without acknowledging the presence of Michael, his mother or the tormented woman before them on the table.

The counterpart to Lord Treat is Bishop Trick.

Lou Martini[]

Lou Martini
"Big Lou" Martini
Notability: Minor character
Type: Victim
Gender: Male
Status: unknown
Actor: Daniel Roebuck

Louis "Big Lou" Martini was the proprietor of the Rabbit in Red exotic dance club in Haddonfield, Illinois. One of his star dancers was Deborah Myers. Deborah often had to plead with Lou to let off her early from work so she could go down to Haddonfield Elementary School whenever her son Michael was in trouble. Some time around 1992, Deborah Myers committed suicide following an incident wherein Michael murdered a nurse named Patty Frost. [2] In the years to come, Michael would forge his own legend as the "Butcher of Haddonfield". Lou Martini sought to capitalize on the murders and showcased a poster in his club identifying one of his former dancers as the mother of Michael Myers. During the Halloween season of 2009, Big Lou attempted to drum up business by making a special appearance at a park dressed up as the Frankenstein Monster. He was interviewed by a Channel 18 news reporter named Holly West.

That evening, Big Lou, a stripper named Misty Dawn and club bouncer Howard Boggs watched the prerecorded news broadcast at the club. Michael Myers broke into the club and attacked all three of them. After having already dispatched with Howard Boggs, he attacked Lou, breaking his arm and brutally slamming his body into a wall until he was unconscious.


Doctor Maple
Doctor Maple
Notability: Minor character
Type: Doctor
Gender: Female
Status: Alive
Actor: Caroline Williams

Doctor Maple was a surgeon at Haddonfield Memorial Hospital. She was one of the attending staff members to treat Laurie Strode after she had been admitted following severe physical trauma at the hands of her psychotic brother Michael Myers.


Mark and the Giant
Notability: Minor character
Gender: Male
Status: Alive
Actor: Matthew Lintz

Mark is a fictional child and a minor character featured in the Halloween film series. He is part of the continuity of the remake series and was played by actor Matthew Lintz. He appeared in the 2009 film Halloween II by director Rob Zombie. Mark was a small boy who went out trick or treating on Halloween night by himself. He had a chance encounter with masked serial killer Michael Myers, whom he came upon while walking down the sidewalk. Though terrified of him, Mark was allowed to go on his way unmolested.

Michael Myers[]

Michael Myers 030
Michael Myers
Film: halloween
Notability: Main character
Type: Psychopath
Serial killer
Gender: Male
Status: Dead
Died: 31 octuber 2009
First: halloween (2007)
Final: halloween 2 (2009)
Actor: Tyler Mane
Chase Vanek
Voice actor: tyler Mane

Miraculously, Michael survived this apparent fatal gunshot wound. He was loaded into an ambulance and driven off towards the County Coroner's Office. Through an act of fate, ambulance driver Coroner Hooks accidentally struck a cow crossing the road and the vehicle crashed into a tree, killing him instantly. The impact revived Michael who broke out of the back of the ambulance and used a broken shard of glass to decapitate Hooks' partner Gary Scott.

Michael disappeared and to all accounts, no official investigation as to his whereabouts was put under way. For the next two years, Michael lived as a hermit on the outskirts of the town, patiently biding his time, waiting for the chance to find his sister once again. He began living in an old cabin off Eagle Road, although the owners of the property would chase him off from time to time. Invariably though, Michael always returned.

Michael's only companion was his mother, whose image existed within his own mind as an angel dressed in white. Deborah Myers was the guiding force behind Michael's actions both in life and now even in death. Under Deborah's advice, Michael kept to himself until the time was ready for him to strike again.

In 2009, two years after his last rampage, Michael had cause to kill again. The land owners of the cabin he had been living in had encountered him in their field. Floyd, his daughter Jazlean and her husband Sherman warned Michael about trespassing on their land and the two men began beating Michael down with tire irons and baseball bats. After suffering several blows, Michael donned his "Shape" mask and struck back. He stabbed Sherman to death with a hunting knife, then impaled Floyd on a pair of antlers affixed to the front of his truck. Jazlean tried to retreat inside the vehicle, but Michael pulled her out and stabbed her to death. He then killed and ate their family dog, Ivan.

Michael then made a foray into the city proper for the first time in two years. He went to the Rabbit in Red Lounge where his mother once worked as a dancer. Michael was outside the back of the building when he was discovered by a bouncer named Howard Boggs. Boggs thought that Michael was a homeless hippie rooting through the garbage and warned him to leave. Michael grabbed Boggs and slammed him down hard on the ground. He stomped his boot into Howard's skull, crushing it. He then dragged the body inside the club and hung it from a string of holiday lights. Michael then took to slaughtering the two other occupants of the club: proprietor Lou Martini and a dancer named Misty Dawn. He broke Martini's arm and slammed him into the walls with enough force that he quickly died. Misty tried to run away, but Michael caught up with her and killed her by repeatedly smashing her face into a glass mirror.

Michael Myers 025

The Devil Walks Among Us

The following day on Halloween, Michael wandered into town towards a book store where he found his old adversary Sam Loomis. Loomis had written a book on the previous murders called "The Devil Walks Among Us" and was attending a signing at the store to promote it. Michael watched from afar and the voice of his mother reminded him how Loomis was profiting off their family's misery. Michael wordlessly vowed to himself that he would take care of Loomis in due time.

That evening, Michael lurked outside a Halloween barn rave called the Phantom Jam. He murdered a young partier named Wolfie and a girl named Harley David. Harley was a friend of Laurie Strode, though it is unclear whether Michael was aware of this fact, nor the fact that Laurie had been attending the party as well.

Michael then went to the Brackett residence at 15 Cherrywood Road where Laurie had been living. He encountered a police deputy named Andy Neale guarding the house from outside. Michael stepped out from behind a tree and choked Neale to death. He then went inside where he encountered the third survivor of his last rampage - Annie Brackett. Michael appeared before Annie in her bathroom, but when she tried to run, Michael grabbed her and battered her across the room, ultimately killing her.

Moments after this, Laurie returned home with her friend Mya Rockwell. Michael attacked Mya and stabbed her in the chest in the downstairs kitchen. He then began chasing after Laurie who ran off screaming into the night.

Laurie was nearly rescued by a passing motorist, but Michael caught up with them and killed the driver by shoving his face through the passenger side window. He then flipped the car over with Laurie inside, sending it tumbling down a ravine. With Laurie now unconscious, Michael collected his prey and carried her back to his sanctuary cabin. By this point, the town police were very much aware of Michael's recent slaughter and knew where he had taken Laurie. Sheriff Brackett called in a helicopter unit and police squad cars surrounded the cabin. Doctor Loomis arrived as well and entered the cabin in another effort to save Laurie from her psychotic brother. The image of Deborah Myers gave Michael a nod of approval and he tackled Loomis, sending them both crashing through the wall to the outside. As the two grappled, Michael removed his mask, shouted "Die!" then stabbed Loomis in the stomach. When Loomis fell to the ground, the police had a clear shot and opened fire on Michael, gunning him down in the middle of the field.

Misty Dawn[]

Misty Dawn
Misty Dawn
Notability: Minor character
Type: Stripper
Gender: Female
Status: Dead
Actor: Sylvia Jefferies

Misty Dawn was a stripper at the Haddonfield dance club known as the Rabbit in Red Lounge. She was also romantically linked to the club's proprietor Lou Martini. On October 30th, 2009, serial killer Michael Myers broke into the club and began murdering its employees. Misty watched horrified as he brutalized Lou Martini, slamming him into a wall and snapping his arm in half. Misty tried to run away, but was halted when she came upon the grisly display of another employee, Howard Boggs, hanging from a string of lights. Michael grabbed Misty and repeatedly bashed her face against a glass mirror until she died.

Mya Rockwell[]

Mya Rockwell
Mya Rockwell
Notability: Supporting character
Type: friend
Gender: Female
Status: Dead
Died: 31 octuber 2009
First: halloween 2 (2009)
Final: halloween 2 (2009)
Actor: Brea Grant
Voice actor: Brea Grant

Mya Rockwell was a young woman who lived in Haddonfield, Illinois and worked at Uncle Meat's Java Hole. She was close friends with Laurie Strode and Harley David. Mya and Harley convinced Laurie to come to "Phantom Jam" Halloween party on Halloween night. Mya dressed up as Columbia from the monster musical The Rocky Horror Picture Show, and Laurie and she danced and consumed copious amounts of alcohol.

After Laurie suffered a severe panic attack, Mya walked her home to 15 Cherrywood Road (Laurie had been living with the Brackett family at this point). After eating some cookies and drinking some tea, Mya and Laurie were horrified to discover the body of Laurie's roommate Annie Brackett lying in a pool of blood on the bathroom floor. While Laurie tried to save her friend, Mya ran outside to call 911. When she re-entered the house, Michael Myers attacked her, throwing her down onto the dining room table and stabbing her to death with a butcher knife.

Nancy McDonald[]

Nancy McDonald
Nancy McDonald
Notability: Supporting character
Gender: Female
Status: Alive
Actor: Mary Birdsong

Nancy McDonald was a publicist and agent hired by Doctor Sam Loomis to help him promote his new book tour for The Devil Walks Among Us. This was the second of such biographies written about the notorious serial killer Michael Myers. McDonald barely tolerated Loomis' acerbic behavior and though she has done things in her career that she was not proud of, she could barely stomach the lengths that Loomis would go through to sell his new book. Nancy accompanied Loomis to a disastrous press conference at a posh hotel and later stood by his side as he conducted a news interview outside the old Myers residence.

On October 31st, 2009 - Halloween, McDonald and Loomis attended a book signing at a small Haddonfield outlet on the day of its official release. Though most of the guests were clearly fans of Loomis' work, one patron, Kyle van der Klok had nothing but scorn for the doctor. He introduced himself as the father of Lynda van der Klok, a young girl whom Myers had murdered two years earlier. In his anger, Kyle pulled a gun and waved it towards Sam and Nancy who both ducked for cover.

Nancy McDonald distanced herself from Loomis following this incident and was not present when Sam appeared as a special guest on the David Newman variety show.

Octavia Daniels[]

Nurse Daniels
Nurse Daniels
Notability: Minor character
Type: Nurse
Gender: Female
Status: Dead
Actor: Octavia Spencer

Octavia Daniels appeared as part of a dream that Laurie Strode had two years after her initial encounter with her psychotic older brother Michael Myers. In the dream, Nurse Daniels worked at Haddonfield Memorial Hospital and was the night time floor nurse. Laurie Strode attempted to visit the room of her friend Annie Brackett, who had likewise been brutalized by Myers, but Nurse Daniels forced her to leave. She escorted Laurie half way back to her room when her attention was called to another matter.

Moments later, Nurse Daniels came upon Myers himself who slashed her across the face with his knife. Daniels was in shock and tried to get away, but Myers pursued her, pushing her to the floor and violently stabbed her to death.

Sam Loomis[]

Sam Loomis - Halloween II (2009)
Sam Loomis
Notability: Main character
Type: Psychiatrist
Gender: Male
Status: Dead
Actor: Malcolm McDowell

Seymour Coffins[]

Seymour Coffins
Uncle Seymour Coffins
Notability: Minor character
Type: Comedian
Gender: Male
Status: Alive
Actor: Jeffrey Daniel Phillips

Uncle Seymour Coffins was a stand-up comedian and one of the entertainers featured at the "Phantom Jam" Halloween party in Haddonfield, Illinois. Most of Seymour's jokes were very blue and not particularly funny, but fortunately for him, the partiers were too inebriated to boo him off the stage. Seymour poked fun at the nude dancing girls on the stage, peppering his humor with lewd comments and "dumb blonde" jokes. As the party wore on, the musical group Captain Clegg and the Night Creatures began to perform their set, but Uncle Seymour didn't see any reason to get off the stage. Again, nobody seemed to mind, and the increasingly drunken comedian continued on his way.

Sherman Benny[]

Sherman Benny
Sherman Benny
Notability: Minor character
Type: Victim
Gender: Male
Status: Dead
Actor: Duane Whitaker

Sherman Benny was the husband of Jazlean Benny and the son-in-law of a man named Floyd. The family owned a piece of farmland in the rural neighborhoods of Haddonfield, Illinois. On more than one occasion, Sherman and the others had to run trespassers off their property. One such vagrant happened to be the fugitive serial killer Michael Myers. On October 29th, 2009, Sherman, Floyd and Jazlean found Michael outside an old cabin in one of their fields. Floyd and he were tired of Michael's constant presence and tried to drive him off by beating him down with tire irons and baseball bats. After suffering numerous blows from the two men, Michael rose and took action. He killed Sherman first, stabbing him in the chest with his hunting knife.

Uncle Meat[]

Uncle Meat
Uncle Meat
Notability: Supporting character
Gender: Male
Status: Alive
Actor: Howard Hesseman

Uncle Meat is a fictional business owner and a minor character featured in the Halloween film series. He is part of the continuity of the remake series and was played by actor Howard Hesseman. He appeared in the 2009 film Halloween II by director Rob Zombie.

"Uncle Meat" was an aging hippie and the proprietor of Uncle Meat's Java Hole in Haddonfield, Illinois. His place of business was both a coffee shop and a vintage record store. Uncle Meat employed three young women who worked for him; Laurie Strode, Mya Rockwell and Harley David. Meat enjoyed having the girls around and didn't hold back when it came to expressing his radical social views.


Deputy Webb
Deputy Webb
Notability: Supporting character
Type: Deputy
Gender: Male
Status: Alive
Actor: Bill Fagerbakke

Deputy Webb worked for the Sheriff's Department of Haddonfield, Illinois under Sheriff Lee Brackett. Webb was one of the first officers on the scene when the station received a 911 call that originated from Brackett's home at 15 Cherrywood Road. What Webb and the others discovered were the murdered bodies of two young women, Mya Rockwell and the Sheriff's daughter Annie Brackett. When Lee learned of the crime he was inconsolable, but Deputy Webb stayed by his side.

Moments later, Webb received a call from an apparent witness who had seen serial killer Michael Myers off Eagle Road. He told Brackett the news and together they mobilized a helicopter unit and sent all squad cars to the scene.

Armed with sniper rifles, Deputy Webb and his co-workers surrounded an isolated cabin in which Myers had quartered himself. When the opportunity presented itself and they had a clear shot, Webb and the others brought Myers down in a hail of bullets. A few seconds later, Laurie Strode exited the cabin and was summarily gunned down herself, but it is unclear whether Webb participated in the second shooting or not.

Weird Al Yankovic[]

Weird Al Yankovic
"Weird Al" Yankovic
Notability: Minor character
Gender: Male
Status: Alive
Actor: Al Yankovic

"Weird Al" Yankovic was a comedian and singer known for making parodies of famous pop songs. He was invited as a guest on The Newman Hour. After Yankovic's turn was over, he moved to the second seat to make way for Newman's next guest, Doctor Sam Loomis. Loomis had written two definitive biographies on infamous serial killer Michael Myers. Yankovic took a couple of light-hearted jabs at Loomis' subject, but the good doctor was not at all amused by the long-haired comedian.

Wendy Snow[]

Wendy Snow
Wendy Snow
Notability: Minor character
Type: Reporter
Gender: Female
Status: Alive
Actor: Nicky Whelan

Wendy Snow was a news reporter who interviewed noted psychiatrist Doctor Samuel Loomis who was promoting his second biography on notorious serial killer Michael Myers entitled The Devil Walks Among Us. Loomis and Snow conducted their interview outside the old Myers residence and Sam spent most of the time flirting with Miss Snow.


Notability: Minor character
Type: Victim
Gender: Male
Status: Dead
Actor: Matt Bush

Wolfie was the nickname ascribed to a young man who dressed up as werewolf for Halloween. On October 31st, 2009, "Wolfie" attended the "Phantom Jam" rave in Haddonfield, Illinois where he met a gregarious party girl named Harley David. Harley took an instant liking to Wolfie and the two left the party for Wolfie's van. Harley was more aggressive than the other women that Wolfie was used to and grew increasingly nervous in her presence. The two began kissing one another, but when it came time to move things to the next level, Wolfie excused himself so he could go outside to relieve himself. Wolfie was in the process of urinating on a tree when serial killer Michael Myers struck him from behind, stabbing him in the back with his knife. Presumably, Wolfie died from the injury.
