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All items (1466)
- Aayla Secura
- Abra Stone
- Abraham Van Helsing
- Abu
- Achmed/Disney
- Ackmena
- Adam Banjo
- Adam Colletta
- Adam Maitland
- Adam Royston
- Adams
- Adrian Toomes
- Adrienne
- Adrienne/Friday the 13th
- Agrabah merchant
- Akane Yashiro
- Al Apone
- Al Czervik
- Aladdin/Disney
- Alan Hooks
- Alan Smith/ANOES
- Albert
- Aldo Raine
- Alex
- Alex DeLarge
- Alex Jenkins
- Alex Johansen
- Alex Owens
- Alexander Pierce
- Alexandra Amberson
- Alexis Butler
- Alfonso Warner
- Alfred Pennyworth
- Alfredo Sawyer
- Alice
- Alice Abernathy
- Alice Hardy
- Alice Hargood
- Alice Johnson
- Alice Martin
- Alice Moore
- Alice's grandmother
- Alison
- Allison
- Allison DeFeo
- Allison Kerry
- Ally Riis
- Alucard
- Amanda Krueger
- Amanda Ripley-McClaren
- Amanda Young
- Amber/The Other Woman
- Amy Klein
- Amy Lutz
- Amy Peterson
- Anakin Skywalker
- Andrea
- Andrei Smyslov
- Andy
- Andy Barclay
- Andy Neale
- Angel Myers
- Angela Walsh
- Anguirus
- Ann Stewart
- Anna
- Anna Bolt
- Anna Morgan
- Anna W.
- Annabelle Higgins
- Anne Jordan
- Annette
- Annie Brackett
- Annie Brackett/Halloween 2007
- Annie Phillips
- Antiope
- Arabella Rittenhouse
- Ariella
- Arnie Cunningham
- Arnie Westrum
- Arnim Zola
- Art Blank
- Arthur Curry
- Arthur Dallas
- Arthur Himbry
- Arthur Holmwood/Dracula 1992
- Arthur Holmwood/Hammer Horror
- Arthur Sherwood
- Arvin
- Ash
- Ash Williams
- Ashley Parker
- Attar
- Audrey Rainier
- Audrey Timmonds
- Aurora/Disney
- Aurora/Maleficent
- Axel Foley
- Ayo
- Baby Firefly
- Bailey
- Bambi Arbogast
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- Barbara Collier
- Barbara Maitland
- Barbara Pierce
- Barnabas Collins
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- Barry Allen
- Barry Norris
- Basil Humphrey
- BB-8
- Bearded man
- Beau Brower
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- Bela/Universal Monsters
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- Big Rig Bob
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- Billy Ray Snapper
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- Blake Mueller's father
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- Bob Coslaw
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- Bob Sutton
- Bobby Davis
- Bolivar Trask
- Brad Lydecker
- Brady/Halloween
- Bren Derlin
- Brenda
- Bride of Frankenstein/Haunted World of El Superbeasto
- Bride of Frankenstein/Universal Monsters
- Bruce Banner
- Bruce Cabot
- Bruce Wayne
- Brudah
- Bubba Sawyer
- Bud Fredericks
- Buddy/Halloween 2007
- Butch Coolidge
- Buzz Lightyear