Includes a list of characters who are known only by their first name. |
Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning[]
Bailey is a fictional murder victim and a supporting character in the Texas Chainsaw Massacre film series. She is part of the continuity of the remake series and appeared in the 2006 prequel film, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning. She was played by actress Diora Baird. Bailey was a young woman who lived in West Texas in the 1960s. In 1969, she was dating a boy named Dean. She traveled with Dean, his brother Eric and Eric's girlfriend Chrissie across Travis County on their way to a recruiting station where Eric and Dean were expected to be shipped off to Vietnam. Along the way, they were terrorized by bikers, resulting in the vehicle being overturned. Bailey was injured in the crash, but was coaxed out of the vehicle by Sheriff Hoyt, who was actually a psychopath named Charlie Hewitt. Charlie brought Bailey back to the Hewitt farmhouse, where she was tied to the kitchen table and psychologically tortured. She was forced to attend a macabre dinner with the rest of the Hewitt family, at which point, Thomas Hewitt, aka Leatherface, sliced her throat open with a knife.