Movie Database Wiki
Amber - The Other Woman 001
Notability: Main character
Gender: Female
Location: Manhattan, New York City, New York
Status: Alive
First: Other Woman, The (2014)
Actor: Kate Upton

Amber is one of the main characters featured in the 2014 romantic comedy film, The Other Woman. She is played by famous swimsuit model, Kate Upton.


Amber is a young, buxom blonde-haired woman who was romantically involved with a man named Mark King. Despite her infatuation with Mark, she was also seeing somebody else on the side. However, this was nothing compared to Mark's infidelities, which Amber learned about after meeting Mark's lovers, Carly Whitten and Kate King. Although the three women likely would've detested one another in different circumstances, their shared experiences forged a bond between them. Amber, Carly and Kate conspired to get revenge on Mark, leading them on an escapade that unraveled Mark's involvement in an embezzling operation. [1]


Notes & Trivia[]

  • Playing the role of Amber is Kate Upton's third role in a feature film.

See also[]

External Links[]

